Weekly Arrangements


Wei Miao

UCL School of Management


September 22, 2024


November 24, 2024

Arrangements each week

This page provides a detailed weekly arrangement for the module. You can find the pre-class preparation, in-class topics, and after-class exercises for each week here.

Since marketing is evolving rapidly, we will cover a wide range of topics in this module. I’m also updating the contents each year to keep up with the latest trends in marketing analytics. Therefore, remember to check this page each week before class to ensure you are well-prepared for the lecture and case study workshop.

Before the lecture

Each week, you are required to complete pre-class preparation tasks.

The preparation usually includes reading case studies, watching videos, or completing coding exercises.

You can find the pre-class preparation under each week’s topic in this guide and on Moodle.

It’s mandatory to finish the pre-class preparation for best learning outcomes. Otherwise, you may find it hard to follow the lecture and case study workshop.

During the lecture

We will have a 3-hour session on each Wednesday for 10 weeks.

Each week, I will cover a new analytics tool, followed by a case study workshop for you to practice the new technique. This way, you can further reflect on your understanding of the technique by practicing your skills with a real-life application.

For instance, in week 1 and week 2, I will first introduce the concepts of marketing and marketing process, and then will cover the concept of break-even analysis, net present value, customer lifetime value (CLV) and how to compute CLV with R. We will then solve a case study that helps you practice your knowledge of CLV, so you can understand how to use CLV for better marketing decisions in your future projects/jobs.

Similarly for the rest of the weeks, we will cover a new analytics tool and then practice it with a case study.

After the lecture

After each week’s lecture, you will find a list of After-class reading and exercises. Some are essential, while others are optional.

  • Essential: contents and R exercises core to this week’s materials. All pre-class preparations are expected to be completed.
  • Optional: supplemental readings for those interested in learning more about the topic.

Module Outline

Module Outline
Week Substantive Topic Methodology Topic Case Study
Induction Week Basics of R
1 Profitability Analysis Arithmetic computation with R Profitability Analysis for Apple Inc.
2 Customer Lifetime Value Arithmetic computation with R Customer Lifetime Value to Improve Marketing Profitability
3 Descriptive Analytics for Preliminary Customer Analysis Data wrangling with R Preliminary Customer Analysis and RFM Analysis for Marks & Spencer


1st assignment due

Friday, 25 October 2024

Customer segmentation Unsupervised learning (K-means clustering) Using Unsupervised Learning to Improve Marketing Efficiency for Marks & Spencer
5 Customer targeting Supervised learning (Decision tree and random forest) Using Supervised Learning to Improve Marketing Efficiency for Marks & Spencer
6 Causal Inference Rubin Causal Model, Potential Outcome Framework, and A/B Testing
7 A/B/N Testing Linear Regression for Causal Inference Improve User Engagement for Instagram Using A/B/N Testing


2nd assignment due

Friday, 15 November 2024

Platform Design Instrumental variable and two-stage least square
9 Platform Design Regression Discontinuity Design Estimating Causal Effects for Platform Businesses Using Instrumental Variables
10 Frontiers in Marketing Analytics

Difference-in-Differences &

Causal machine learning

3rd assignment due

Friday, 13 December 2024

Induction Week: R Basics

Pre-class preparation
  • Install R, RStudio, and Quarto following the guide.

  • Finish reading “An introduction to R” (can be assessed in this link) (Chapters 1, 2, and 3 at least). Please try to practice the codes in R along your reading. Take a note of any questions you may have during your self-study. I will cover R basics in greater details in the induction week.

  • What you will learn

    • An introduction to R basics
  • After-class exercise

    • (essential) Finish the after-class exercise. We will learn how to use R to compute customer lifetime value in Week 1, so it’s very important that you are familiar with R basics before class.

    • As you will be learning both R and Python at the same time, it’s a good habit to keep a systematic record of the difference between the 2 languages. For this purpose, I have made this guide for you based on my own experiences.

Week 1: Module Introduction and Profitability Analysis

Pre-class Preparation
  1. Please bring your laptop to class every week. We will be practicing R programming in class.

  2. Review R basics lecture notes covered by Wei on Friday in the induction week (the recording is under the Induction week section); If you missed the session, it’s very important to catch up by watching the recording.

  3. Complete the pre-class R exercise on the Case-BreakEvenAnalysis-Stu.qmd. You can find and download the file below.

  4. Read the Case study: “Profitability Analyses for Apple Inc”. Don’t worry about the questions yet, please focus on the case background. information.

Class 1: Module Introduction

  • What you will learn

    • An overview of the course topics

    • Concepts of marketing and the marketing process (5Cs, STP, and 4Ps)

    • How marketing analytics can empower marketers in the digital era

  • After-class reading and exercise

Class 2: Profitability Analysis

  • What you will learn

    • How to conduct break-even quantity for a marketing proposal

    • How to conduct net present value analysis for a marketing proposal

Week 2: Customer Lifetime Value

Pre-class preparation

Read the case study. Think about the following questions, which we will discuss in class.

  1. What would be the time unit of analyses? monthly or yearly? How many years of customer’s lifetime to consider for CLV calculation? Is this reasonable?

  2. What is the information needed to calculate the net cash flows of a customer in each period? Where can you find the M and c in the CLV formula? Highlight these key numbers in the case study so that we can create them in R directly. 

  3. How do we incorporate customer churn in CLV calculation?

  4. What are the costs needed to acquire a customer? Based on this information, how to compute the customer acquisition costs (CAC)?

  5. Can you figure out how to compute CLV with pen and paper before Wednesday class? 

You can try your best to use what we have learned in Week 1 to complete the case on your own. The exercise Quarto file can be downloaded on Moodle.

Class 3: Customer Lifetime Value

  • What you will learn

    • The concept of customer lifecycle and customer lifetime value (CLV)

    • How to compute customer acquisition costs (CAC)

    • How to compute customer lifetime value (CLV)

Class 4: (Case Study) Customer Lifetime Value for Guiding Marketing Decisions

  • What you will learn

    • How to apply CLV calculation in a real-life case study

    • Discuss how CLV can be used by marketers to guide marketing decisions

  • After-class reading and exercise

    • After-class exercise for Week 2

    • (optional) “Hubspot: How to compute CLV”. This article introduces alternative ways to compute CLV, which are used in many companies.

Week 3: Data Wrangling for Descriptive Analytics

Pre-class preparation
  • Read the case study: Preliminary Customer Analysis.

  • Please familiarize yourself with the variable definitions in the case study. This is very important as we will use the dataset to learn data wrangling in R using the dplyr package. 

  • Open the csv file in Excel and inspect the data sets. Focus on the data structure, including what each row means and what each column means

Class 5: Data Wrangling with R

  • What you will learn

    • Process of a typical data analytics project (such as your term 3 dissertation)

    • How to use filter, mutate, arrange, and group_by for data manipulation with dplyr package in R

Class 6: (Case Study) Descriptive Analytics for M&S

  • What you will learn

    • How to use dplyr to conduct preliminary customer analyses for Marks & Spencer
  • After-class reading and exercise

    • (essential) Cheatsheet for dplyr. This cheatsheet provides a quick reference for the most commonly used functions in the dplyr package. It’s very important to familiarize yourself with these functions as you will use them a lot in your future projects.
    • (optional) Complete the after-class exercise for Week 3. If you still have time, you can also complete the data camp exercise on the dplyr package. The link is here.

Week 4: Unsupervised Learning for Customer Segmentation

Pre-class preparation
  • Read the case study: Improving Marketing Efficiency for Marks & Spencer Using Predictive Analytics.

Class 7: Unsupervised Learning and K-Means Clustering

  • What you will learn

    • The concept of predictive analytics

    • The difference between supervised and unsupervised learning

    • Important concepts in predictive analytics

    • Concept of unsupervised learning

    • How to run K-means clustering in R

Class 8: (Case Study) Customer Segmentation Using K-Means for M&S

  • What you will learn

    • How to apply K-means clustering to help Marks & Spencer segment its customers
  • After-class reading and exercise

Week 5: Supervised Learning for Customer Targeting

Pre-class preparation
  • Case Study: Customer Targeting Using Supervised Learning for Marks & Spencer

    • Please carefully read the case background before class, and complete the pre-class coding exercise.

Class 9: Supervised Learning and Tree-based Models

Class 10: (Case Study) Improve Marketing Efficiency for Marks & Spencer Using Supervised Learning

  • What you will learn

    • How to apply supervised learning models (random forest and others) to help Marks & Spencer improve its marketing efficiency

Week 6: Causal Inference, Potential Outcome Framework, and A/B Testing

Class 11: Causal Inference, Potential Outcome Framework

Class 12: A/B Testing

  • What you will learn

    • How to design and conduct randomized experiments

    • How to interpret the results of randomized experiments

    • How to use randomized experiments to solve real-life marketing problems

Week 7: Linear Regression

Pre-class preparation
  • Case study: Improve User Engagement for Instagram Using A/B/N Testing. Please carefully read the case background before class; we will be discussing the case in class

Class 13: (Case Study) Improve User Engagement for Instagram Using A/B/N Testing

Class 14: Linear Regression for Causal Inference

  • What you will learn

    • Review of concept for Data Generating Process (DGP) and a model

    • The intuition behind coefficient estimation of linear regression models

    • How to run linear regression models in R

    • How to interpret the regression coefficients and statistics

    • How to interpret the coefficients of categorical variables

  • After-class reading and exercise

    • (optional) Introduction to Econometrics with R, Chapters 4-7. These 4 chapters cover very detailed applied knowledge of linear regressions. Due to limited time, we cannot cover all contents in class, so it would be great if you can take time to go through these chapters thoroughly.

Week 8: Endogeneity and Instrumental Variables

Class 15: Endogeneity

  • What you will learn

    • Understand the reasoning why linear regression can almost never provide causal effects from non-experimental data.

    • Understand the concept of endogeneity and its causes.

  • After-class reading and exercise

Class 16: Instrumental Variables and Two-Stage Least Square

  • What you will learn

    • Intuition of why instrumental variables solve endogeneity problems

    • The requirements of a valid instrumental variable and how to find good instruments

    • Apply two-stage least square method to estimate the causal effects using instrumental variables

  • After-class reading and exercise

Week 9: Quasi-Experimental Methods

Pre-class preparation
  • Case Study: Estimating Causal Effects for Platform Businesses Using Instrumental Variables

    • Please carefully read the case background before class and we will be discussing the case in class.

Class 17: (Case Study) Estimating Causal Effects for Platform Businesses Using Instrumental Variables

Class 18: Natural Experiment I: Regression Discontinuity Design

  • What you will learn

    • Concept of regression discontinuity design

    • Estimation of causal effects using regression discontinuity design

    • Application of regression discontinuity design in the business field

  • After-class reading and exercise

Week 10: Frontiers of Marketing Analytics

Class 19: Natural Experiment II: Difference-in-Differences Design

  • What you will learn

    • Concept of difference-in-differences (DiD) design

    • Estimation of causal effects using the DiD design

    • Synthetic Difference-in-Differences Method when the parallel trend assumption is violated

Class 20: Frontiers of Marketing Analytics

  • What you will learn

    • Applications of Causal machine learning and NLP

    • Review of module and recommendations on dissertations

  • After-class reading and exercise

    • Estimate causal effects using ML by Microsoft Research

    • Athey, Susan, and Stefan Wager. ‘Estimating Treatment Effects with Causal Forests: An Application’. ArXiv:1902.07409 [Stat], 20 February 2019. http://arxiv.org/abs/1902.07409.